"Matthew, I knew it would be you who
came to the Gubelog to check on me,

I'm sorry the explanation
couln't be better, Matthew, and I'm
sorry it doesn't make more sense....."

SHE LEFT me!!!!!
She left me the day of my BIRTHDAY
and without the slightest new story!

And I have already payed the
lawyer I hired for sueing her
and her damned, ridiculous Gubelogs!
What am I supposed to do now?
OK, easy and zen...
I will find a solution, as always.
I am THE GUBE, after all.
I will... I....I KNOW!

I will
all by myself!
Making a Gubelog cannot be so
complicate, after all.
I have seen how she does.

She takes a screencap,
like this for instance...

she adds a little bit of photoshop
here you have a fantastic

a little bit... er...late...or early...
and well, I will maybe need a bit
more practice, of course,
but with your help,

dear, faithful friends Gubeloggers...
I've been checking a bit

and I discovered

that more and more of you are
coming here...

so why the HECK, band of li'l
bastards, almost NONE of you leaves a
freaking comment on THE Gubelog???
MY Gubelog!

You are kindly invited to write a
comment when you enter and
one when you get out of here.
Moreover, don't even DREAM
that I will work for free...
I REALLY hope you all have a


Heeeeey... it's AMAZING all the things
you can do in here...
First of all I will open an account on

or maybe better, on

I can even have
my own mailbox

even if, in my case....

would probably be more suitable...
It's sooo easy, you just need to

something..... and you have it!
And now let's change a bit my
image.... why always

Matthew GRAY Gubler?
Such an interesting, colorful
person like me
deserves better.... why not

Matthew RED Gubler

Matthew PINK Gubler, for instance?
er...maybe not PINK.
I know those little bastards,
they will start to call me

Matthew Gay Gubler again,
despite the fact that I'm an
This for istance it's me

In my pajama, getting ready for bed.
Anyway... I think that since now
I'm the boss here, I'll make a little order

and you!



It's time for a change...
Let's put someone more original
at his place...

MMMM....as we were talking
about COLORS, lately...
let's say
someone with a mother
white as milk and with a father
black as coal...
I think I know

the right person for that!
By the way, what if I'll fire HIM too

and finally get my OWN,
DECENT show?
I could call it....for instance...

or maybe....

Fans would think
it's a kind of PORN....

good for the ratings!
or even better

So I won't even have to change the logo...
And now I have to do something.....
Something to clean up all that
CRAP on the web...

Look at this filth...
I know who made that, it's Outi, and
she doesn't even have the guts
to sign with her own name...
I will create
my own site for downloading videos.
I think I will call it....

I will finally broadcast
something artistic, something
that will shine like a Bright Star
on the whole web...
YES I CAN!!!!!
Today the Gubelog...

tomorrow THE WORLD!
Let's see how the enthousiastic
audience from all over the world
will react to My Words...

OK...I think I will need
an interpreter here...
And Paola has gone away...
er.... now...PLEASE....
I will count until 100....

and when I will open
my eyes again... SHE WILL BE BACK!