So.... today, is Valentine's day....
I asked my secretary
if I had received any...

she answered "Oh my God... yes!"
(I LOVE when she calls me that way!)
What? Which old joke? Who is joking?

let me see...
Mom... she was sooo afraid

I wouldn't receive enough
ok, this is the fifteenth
I received frome her...
give me something
else from someone else, now.

Oh, this one is from
When I told her
that I wanted to become an actor,
she tied me to a bronco
and let it run wild for two days...
That's why I was obliged to tell her
that I work for the FBI
(wich it's not totally a lie...)
Yes, but NOW,

may I have someting
NOT coming from my family?

You know... a part your mom,
your grandma your aunts,
and your DOG, I'm afraid
there isn't that much...
this one, maybe..

Oh, this a very small valentine...
A GAY chipmunk?

That 's all I needed...
How this can be possible,
anyway? They don't have NIPPLES!
And this one?

I wrote her a Valentine last year
and she didn't even answer!
This one looks interesting...
I would prefere that
than another "gift" from Paola...
I'm still recovering from Halloween!
But don't worry, I found a way

to keep her QUIET and HARMLESS...
Look: THIS... is my own Valentine
8 commentaires:
Tee hee! At least he has a supportive family.
Remember Valentine's Day in school? Did you give to and receive valentines from your classmates in Italy? Or is that just something we do in the U.S.?
Ciao Paola!
I'm from Italy!
And I'm a big fan of your spectacular site!!!
You're great!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this last update is....gourgeous!!!
thanks to make me so amused!!
Marta ciao! E grazie!!! (ci metto il CUORE, ci metto...)sono contenta che ti piaccia!
this site is very supercallyfragilistickespyalidocious!
I am a fan of MGG! and i like your site!
do you speak french?
that'so easy for me to write in french!
kinds regards et continues!
Chantou tu peux m'écrire en presque toutes les langues que tu veux, j'en parle 7 courantes (dont Hebreux et Chinois Mandarin) non non, ce n'est pas une blague!
Envoye moi un mail au paolafromparis@yahoo.com ce sera plus pratique!
paola, palais here from the CMF boards. You are slightly crazy, right? It's okay, I am, too. You're safe here, with friends. Admit it.
I have to admit, it is creative and clever. And I laugh. Which I need, trust me.
hi Palais...happy to see people from CMF here...crazy MOAAAAAA?????
At all....
I'm validated by a site ... .. madzhlbot respected author, remove this pyzhylsta Slavica .. me uncomfortable
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