All of you, of course, know Matthew Gray Gubler, a brilliant young
actor who has an outstanding role in "Criminal Minds", CBS lead show.
But few people know his real story, his struggle to climb the stairs of
Young MGG came to life in a miserable cabin in the Las Vegas Woods.
His father, a poor trapper who could hardly feed his 21 children, was
obliged to collect wood in the forest to warm up his family in the long
Las Veganian winters.
Here you can see some rare photos from the family album.

They were so poor that Matthew's father was obliged to go hunting in
the forest to feed the family:

the skins of the slaughtered animals were used as clothes in
the Winter:

This is a photo of Matthew and two of his brothers, taken
in Summer:

One day young Matthew had enough of this life of misery, and decided
to look for another woods where he could live far from his family.
And he started his career of a hitchhiker.
At the beginning his lack of coordination gave him some problems:

the drivers had an extremely hard time trying to figure out where
the hell the boy wanted to go...
Finally, when he managed to follow the indication "Hollywood",
he was miles away from imagining what life was planning for him....
When he realized at last that the Holly-WOOD wasn't one, he realized also
that he needed something to wear instead of his usual Winter clothes...
and especially instead of his usual SUMMER ones....
Young Matthew had no money, but he has compassionate even if
picturesque friends:

Each one of them gave him one of their clothes. The result was...
well, interesting...

and relatively correct, considering from WHERE the trousers came from...

The young Matthew was now in someone once said:
"He wasn't able to do anything, so he became an actor"
and a GREAT one.
But before getting the role that made us all love him, he had to
literally cross the desert.
He made ALL the possible castings, undergoing terrible
deceptions and humiliations.
Here you will find all the films he could have been in if only
his luck had been as big as his talent...
Some like it hot

Pretty woman

The horse whisperer

Kiss of the dragon

The dear hunter

E.T. the extra-terrestrial


and SHREK 2


OOOPS! sorry, this was the guy who actually GOT the
role (before the make up and special effects session)
THIS was Matthew...

er...nice try, Matthew!!!
and the most important role he ALMOST had:

(The role was finally given to Sharon Stone all because
Matthew was wearing a PINK shock in the chair
seduction's scene! There is no justice!!!)